TESTIMONIAL: James Douglas - Scout Leader using bottle in Africa, Asia & South America
"My Water-to-Go bottle is easily one of the best £20-something I've ever spent. It's lightweight, comfy to hold and can safely filter an awful lot of water!

It's tempting to go with something bigger, heavier, flashier and seemingly more high-tech, but it is lighter and more functional than most filters and, unlike something like a Steripen, I don't have do drink dead bacteria!
Mine is coming with me when I go off walking in the Pyrenees, and I wouldn't be without it in trips to Africa, Asia and South America. I can't recommend it highly enough!"
James Douglas - Scout Leader
It's tempting to go with something bigger, heavier, flashier and seemingly more high-tech, but it is lighter and more functional than most filters and, unlike something like a Steripen, I don't have do drink dead bacteria!
Mine is coming with me when I go off walking in the Pyrenees, and I wouldn't be without it in trips to Africa, Asia and South America. I can't recommend it highly enough!"
James Douglas - Scout Leader