Water-to-Go Working with Child Aid Gambia

Child Aid Gambia is a small charity set up in 2011 by Katy Roberts and her father Chris. They work predominantly with desperately poor children living in Gambia who without their help struggle to survive!
Child Aid Gambia is currently working on a water project which is collecting funds in order to build a pipeline and well for the Ndagan Settlement.
Katy Roberts
sent us this message;
"We visited the children of Ndagan today, and as you know, they are in desperate need for clean water some of the children were ill with dysentery which is normal and today was an opportunity for us to begin finalising plans for the pipeline which will run directly to the settlement."
"We gave some of the children filtered water from your Water-to-Go bottles. For them, it was the first time they had ever tasted clean water, and with the pipeline we are working on, we will be able to free them from water-bourne diseases and contamination."
For more information about the work that Child Aid Gambia are doing check out www.childaidgambia.org
I would like to take this opportunity of thanking Water to Go for all their support with the Ndagan Water Project, if you are interested in learning more please have a look at the YouTube video link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8oQs8ctT8o8