Monday, 24 March 2014

E.coli found in tap water...

Water in two households in Jersey have been tested and found to be too dangerous to drink, as it
contained bacteria including E. coli.

The fear is that the water has been contaminated by farmers spreading slurry on their fields.

Paul Troy first noticed brown water coming out of his tap last month. A week later the water had returned to it's normal colour, but not everything was as it seems. In an interview with the BBC Mr.Troy said:

"But when it was tested it turned out to have the E. coli bacteria in it, and the coliform bacteria, two types." "We had a phone call from the States analyst to say 'don't drink the water' and since then we've been drinking bottled water and using bottled water to brush our teeth.

 "It is like living in a third world country."

To find more about E.coli click here