Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Back to Uganda

Andrew Jones is heading back to Uganda for the second time after visiting last year to treat burns patients and giving talks on fire prevention. On behalf of the Mityana Commuinity Development Foundation (Uganda) Andrew took three weeks out from his job at Morriston hospital to support their efforts promoting the importance of health in the community.

"I was overwhelmed by the difference that we could make providing burns treatment in the hospital. I am returning to continue working with the hospital and provide treatment to the people that need it most."

Uganda faces a huge problem with the number of people suffering from burns, especially children.

Whilst in Uganda, Andrew treated three year old twins Nakato and Mulodaaokyi Kiyrokya. He said: “We had three year old twins come in with acute burns caused by hot porridge. In Uganda, most of the cooking is done outside and with the children playing close by accidents happen. These twins were brought in with burns over 7 days old. They were infected and full of dirt and mud. “It is so incredible to hear and see how in areas like this the old wives tales of treating burns with honey, mud or cooking oil still exist and this is how these children had been treated.” “I had to treat them in a makeshift sterile area in an anaesthetic room with other patients and shared with a chicken. The burns had to be scrubbed, cleaned and dressed using the only cream available which was an antibiotic eye ointment.” 

During his time away, Andrew treated nine children aged 3 – 11 years for acute burns. In Uganda, schools are also an area of concern when it comes to burns. Here, schools are often so far away from a child’s home the child stays at school overnight where they are locked in from the outside. This plus the fact that schools don’t have fire evacuation procedures or emergency exits makes them extremely dangerous places should there be a fire. Uganda also has issues with clean drinking water which prompted Andrew to invest in a water bottle with a filter.

"The Water-to-Go bottle was one of the most important pieces of equipment I had and constantly provided me with safe clean drinking water in very humid conditions. The water in Uganda is not suitable for drinking and using the bottle I was safe and confident drinking the water." Read the full testimonial by clicking here 

Andrew has set up a Just Giving page in order to raise funds for his lifesaving trip. More details can be found clicking here